Heather Matthews, D.Min.

The Rev. Dr. Heather Matthews is the Doctor of Ministry Program Manager at Wheaton College Graduate School. Dr. Matthews has also worked as a pastor, church planter, non-profit leader, and missionary for over twenty years.

Heather has a D.Min. from Fuller Seminary, an M.A. in Educational Ministry and an M.A. in Counseling Ministry from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and a B.S. in Biomedical Engineering from Northwestern University in Evanston, IL.

Heather’s area of expertise is women in church leadership. She is the author of Confronting Sexism in the Church: How We Got Here and What We Can Do About It published by InterVarsity Press which will be available August 27, 2024.

Heather’s broad range of personal and professional experience allows her to teach and consult on topics including abuse and trauma; gender and sexuality; healthy Christian leadership; church planting and pastoral ministry; marriage and divorce; betrayal and pornography; social and racial justice issues, cross-cultural issues, and local and global mission.

Heather has four children and lives in the Chicago suburbs.